Tuesday, May 26, 2009

10 Buck Chuck!

OK so I like to drink some bad ass wines from time to time. But lets get real! I have 2 kids. One in College already and the other on the way. Do you think I can drink expensive wines everyday? Well in my dreams maybe but when I wake up I am like every other true wino seeking out interesting little wines that I can drink and say not bad and that won't cost me more than $15.00 per bottle. I think I found One.

2007 Menage A Trois Red

This wine is made by Folie A Deux Winery and is actually priced at $9.99. Yeah that is what I said $9 dollars and 99 cents plus tax. So I guess it is a 10 buck Chuck. I tasted this wine at my local wine bar hang out. It is a blend of Zinfandel, Merlot and Cabernet. Hence the brand Menage A Trois. It's a VERY jammy wine which is not my style but lets face it, for an inexpensive wine you don't usually get a lot of structure. The Zinfandel adds a juicy character, Merlot mellows and Cabernet adds backbone is how they explain it on there website. I totally agree! Overall this was a perfect little wine for my dinner guest to have last Friday night. I will probably go back and purchase a few more bottles just to have for a rainy day! They do make a Cabernet, Zinfandel and Merlot under the Folie A Deux name. Those wines I have not tried but the prices are $28.00, $18.00 and $24.00 per respectively.

Give Them A try


  1. Have tried the Menage...red, and thought it to be OK, nothing I'd buy again. However, I really enjoy the Menage...white, a nice blend of Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc and Muscat.

  2. well for 10 bucks it is ok for a blend. I have not tried the white. Gotta look for it. Thank you for visiting my blog.
